Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 11/10/23

Year: 2023

ALANYAZIN (CRES Journal) is an international journal. It aims to ensure that scientific studies such as books, thesis, reports, researches published in the field of educational sciences, researchers and institutions are known in a wider environment. It aims to critically evaluate the produced scientific knowledge, to position them among scientific information and publications with a holistic perspective and to be a bridge between theory and practice.

The review articles that will be published in ALANYAZIN (CRES Journal) could cover different fields such as philosophy, sociology, psychology, anthropology, biology, political science, economics, business, information technologies, statistics and architecture which conducts a relation with education within a multidiciplinary approach.

ALANYAZIN (CRES Journal) has had both Turkish and English articles are evaluated by the scholars who are specialized in their field.

  • Articles should be at least 1000 and at most 5000 words.
  • Articles should be written in MS Word processor with normal margins, in 10 point Times New Roman font and 1.5 line spacing, left aligned.
  • Tables, figures, pictures and charts should be sized to fit the journal page. If necessary, it can also be written in smaller fonts and single line spacing.
  • Tables and figures should be numbered sequentially according to their appearance in your article. The footnotes of the tables should be placed just below the body of the table and should be indicated in lowercase and explanatory letters.
  • The use of vertical rulers should be avoided. Use as few tables as possible and care must be taken to ensure that the data presented in the tables do not match the results stated elsewhere in the article.
  • A separate page should be created for the full name and institutional titles of the author(s), as well as the postal address/addresses of the author(s), work/mobile phone number or numbers, e-mail address(es) of the correspondence.

The study should include the following sections:

  • A 50-150-word summary with a Turkish title and 5-8 keywords.
  • A 50-200-word summary with an English title and 5-8 keywords.
  • The reference format used by ALANYAZIN Journal to cite sources is APA (American Psychological Association) Style 6th Edition. In both citations and bibliography, authors should follow the spelling rules and format specified in the American Psychological Association Publication Guide published by the American Psychological Association.

Note: ALANYAZIN Journal accepts book reviews prepared for books published in the last five years. The book to be evaluated must be an original study and must not be more than five years from the date of publication.

In ALANYAZIN (CRES Journal),in order to be accepted in evaluation /assessment periods/process. Studies/articles are required some fundamental criteria.

The studies are aimed to BE SENT to ALANYAZIN (CRES Journal) should:

  • be about or related to education,
  • not be published before and not be sent to another platform or journal for publication purpose,
  • be one of the types of the article that ALANYAZIN (CRES Journal) prefers to publish,
  • be written by following the rules and format of APA (American Psychological Association) the Style 7th Edition,
  • fit/suitable for ALANYAZIN (CRES Journal) article template.

In our journal, no fees are charged to the authors. Also, no fee is paid to the authors or referees.